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Year Events
Mar-11 Invited by WFC to display the design on 2011 Hong Kong Flower Show

July-10 Vocal Recital (Hong Kong City Hall Theatre)

June-10 Parent-child creative floral design course

April-09 Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair, HKTDC

Feb-09 Ceremony of Caring Company

Dec-08 Award a “Caring Company 2008/09” which is issued by
  The Hong Kong Council of Social Service as a appreciation on the social responsibility of the company.
April-08 Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair, HKTDC

Jan-08 Interview by Oriental Daily Newspaper

Nov-07 Cable TV Online show on floral arrangement
as an honorable guest.

April-07 Hong Kong Gifts and Premium Fair, HKTDC

Feb-07 Floral Arrangement online show with Hong Kong Famous
Artist Mr. Koo Gui Kei at East Point City

Jan-07 Floral Arrangement demonstration for the theme of
Chinese New Year at East Point City, Hong Kong.

Nov-06 Appointed Venue Decoration company in Hong Kong
Wedding & Banquet Expo 2006

Nov-06 Hong Kong Wedding & Banquet Expo 2006

Jul-06 Hong Kong Wedding, Banquet & Bridal Lingerie Expo 2006

Apr-06 Sympathy ceremony of the son of artist Mr. Liu Kai Chi

Mar-06 Win the Second Prize on Hong Kong Flower Show 2006
of Western Style of floral design, Hong Kong,
named the Seasonal Delight 《季節的喜悅》

2004-06 Environmental Week Flower Arrangement in Macau

2002 The Third Shanghai International Flower Festival with
On Life Demonstration Show; Shanghai, China

Dec-01 Invited as honourable guest to attend the 《甜蜜蜜試食團》
to explain how to select Bridal Bouquet.
Oct-00 Her bridal bouquet design has been collected in the book
of Wedding Bouquet《新婚花世界》
2000-01 She has been invited several times by the magazine of
iweddingkey to design the bouquet according to their theme.
1998 Corsage design for the previous Governor of Mr. Tung
Kin Wah on the programme of Celebrating Return of
Hong Kong by Regional Council of Shatin District.
1994-98 YMCA Open Day in Hong Kong
Miss Abby Wan has owned two professional qualifications in Floral Design. One is AFS Pacific Rim Teacher which is recognized in U.S., Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. The Other is Dutch Floral Arranger which is issued by European Floral Design Academy and recognized by “Stichting Onderwijs Bloemenschikken/-detailhandel” and Agriculture Department of Holland.
Details of Professional Floral Certificate as follows:
Nov-05 ADFA, Coloring
European Floral Design Academy
May-01 DFA, Dutch Flower Arranger, Dutch Flower Arrangements (STOS/SOB/EFDA)
Oct-98 AFS, European Design
1998 AFS, AFS Pacific Rim Teacher
Oct-97 AFS, Party Design
Sep-96 AFS, Wedding Design
Apr-96 AFS, Wedding Design
Apr-96 AFS, Natural Design Styles, Linear Design Styles, Experimental Design Styles
Apr-96 AFS, Design Techniques and Traditional Design Styles
Sep-95 AFS, Wedding Design
Aug-95 AFS, Design Elements and Design Forms
Feb-95 AFS, Design Principles and the Proper Care and Handling of Fresh Cut Flowers
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